Field Trip!
Google, Not Just for search anymore!
Take your class on a trip and never leave the building! Dr. Alice Christie has created a site with many resources for teachers( and parents alike) The activities she has planed will not only get the participants using technology, it integrates hands on learning. It is one thing to read something and something different to experience it! No, we can not go to every place we will teach, read or learn about, but a virtual visit can create an experience that will leave an impression on the mind.
The part of Dr. Christie’s web site I like the most is the idea of using Google Earth in the classroom. Children may already be familiar with this platform, but if not it is very easy to learn to use. The tool is free making it more inviting for the educator to incorporate into the lesson. She gives some lesson ideas on her site and also directs the reader to Google, who also provides many great ideas. The topic possibilities are endless, from math to geography. When a student can apply what they have studied they are more likely to remember what we are teaching.
Dr. Christie's Google Ideas
Google Earth for Educators
Why Use iPods?
Give the same exact lecture to every student. Seem impossible? Once upon a time yes, but with today’s technology it is reality! You , the teacher make a pod cast, publish it to iTunes and there you go, the same lecture for every student. One of the things that make this better then saving your breath and giving you more time to work with the students, is the idea that the material can be played back by the student every time they wish to hear it.
Many teachers/professors have already taken the time to use this service, making many titles/subjects available to those who seek knowledge. There are books that have been read and published, or lectures explaining difficult subject matter. They are all there to download and listen to free of charge.
Check Here for Collection of Stories and Poems
These ideas may have you wondering does this really work? Duke University handed out iPods to students in 2005. What a wonderful idea! This has taken off and become more wide spread in the class room. Why neglect technology? It should be embraced like this and used to broaden the mind in every way possible.
Nope! Not an excuse to skip class. The studies are showing that the addition of iTune U to a class or a pod cast achieve higher scores on test. The student still has to do the work, like take notes and pay attention to the lecture. Maybe this is not quite practical for the old generation of learners but those who are a future generation are familiar with this kind of stuff, they will welcome this as their teachers.
Ways to Use Your iPod to Study & Learn
Wonderful! A great example of what students can do in this class!
ReplyDeleteGreat explanation on iPods and such. I like the fact that you emphasize that this is not an excuse for skipping class! The students WILL actually be doing classwork - just in a different location!