Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February 2, 2010

California Red Wood Trees

Does It Ever End???

The possibilities are endless, but preparation is the key. Even though you will not see your audience, a pod cast should be treated like a public speaking occasion. The pod cast will be better organized and sound more professional when done this way. The idea is to capture the attention of the listener, not keep them distracted by the other things that are going on in the background of the recording.

Potential uses of pod cast are beyond what I could have ever fathomed. But as a teacher they do have many benefits. The idea of using this audio tool can assist by allowing students to listen to a lecture after it has been given, a sick student will not get behind and parents can participate and learn what the children are learning so they can help them understand. If the students make their own pod cast , they will be able to develop life skills. Communication, organization , teamwork and connecting with people around the world are just a few of the options.

There are tons of tools on the world wide web. Sure, there are some that have a price, but there are many that are free! Google has exceptional tools that can make great additions to a classroom. These tools are a great addition to anyone’s web experience. And the best part is they are free. Another great tool is iTunes, they also have educational tools, which can be downloaded for free. There are lectures on a variety of subjects.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 26, 2010

Kids playing in a classroom

I Thought There Were Peas In a Pod!

I can think now is, wow! I am not old, yet is am older than many of those in college. Until this assignment, I had no clue as to what a podcast is or did. The few short weeks in this class has me wondering why this stuff is not used more often in the classroom. In many ways these applications would free up time for the teacher to be doing something else, like helping that student that is behind or teaching the child who has a hunger for knowledge.

As I listened to "Smart Board Podcast", I realized this is something that can be done from anywhere. The only thing I think I would change would be the devotion given to the audience. Perhaps I am wrong, but doing this is like a virtual answering machine. I found it rude to the audience and the server that the speaker would try to order coffee and record the information at the same time. I could understand recording while I was driving or sitting drinking my coffee, but not while I am in line!

As for Kid Cast, this site is simply amazing. The opportunity to build self confidence in a child by using this tool is endless. The few that I listened to by kids were not perfect, perhaps a bit of adult supervision would have helped the podcast be clearer. The opportunity for teachers to reach the student is also a great aspect. The story I listened to by an adult from this site was very well done.

The other thing I noticed about the various sites and speakers was the amount of preparation that went into their work. It is like giving a speech and you should always try to be prepared when your going to do public speaking. I know this is not always possible, but those who had their ideas drawn out, made a better podcast. It was clearer and more easily understood.

School Is More Then Reading and Writing -

Parents send their children to school so they may become productive members of society. Those of us from the old school learned to read and write. What students have today are opportunities that exceed anything I could have ever dreamed up. Mrs. Kathy Cassidy did a wonderful job showing what her students have learned because of computers, and how they can connect because of them. Although these children were in 1st grade, they were capable of computer task that I am just now learning even exist. Way to go Mrs. Cassidy and class!

These children are our future. Going back to the idea that the jobs these students will be faced with have not yet been created, brings a dilemma. How do you teach what is not yet available? It appears that all that is available to the teacher is being taught to the students. What is most amazing is they understand. The technology appears to enhance their learning, not hinder it.

Huge Potential-

Mrs. Cassidy and class show just how connected they are to the world. These children are being taught not only how to use the web, but how to be safe and courteous. These concepts will carry over to all aspects of their life.

One of the things that I think is wonderful about the integration of technology into the class room, is the possibilities of resources are endless. In this day and age there are so many budget cuts, the Internet will give the opportunity to take students on virtual field trips, and meet people who live on the other side of the world. I hope to be this kind of teacher when I am done. Thank-you Mr. Strange for showing the potential of technology.

If a 1 year old, little boy can use an iPhone better then I can, I can't imagine what he will be technologically capable of by the time he gets to 1st grade. What children have access to today is simply amazing, I just hope to catch up and keep up with gadget world!

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 23, 2010

Being a Student Today...

I can only imagine how college once was, but I do know how it is today. I can wonder how higher education will be different by the time my children go to school. Technology has a place in learning, and makes a great tool to help both the teacher and the student. I often wonder if the advances in technology hold people back because they can not manage their time. Multi-tasking is not the answer. We all do it , but it makes us less efficient.

My experience as a college student probably differs from that of a typical student. I have kids almost as old as many of the people that sit around me. I am here to learn. I am here to make a difference when I graduate. I do have to say, I miss the old way of teaching. I like to interact with my instructors, web based learning is odd to me. But then again when I was in high school, computers were not what they are today.

If It's Not About Technology, What is It About?

I can only reflect on my experiences with my own children when it comes down to the concept of being taught something and truly learning the information presented. I have spent hours, 100's of hours helping my kids "learn" something that was "taught" in a classroom. Both of my boys are dyslexic, and it takes a bit of effort to get the information in a way they can understand. The sad part of this no one else takes the time to help them learn. Although they have a difficulty that not every child has, my experiences teaching tell me that all students learn in different ways.

With that being said, this is where technology can enhance what the future generation is taught so they can really learn the stuff. The young people of today do know more computers and gadgets than most adults. Adults should be learners and adapt to the changes. These new advances will help us be better teachers, because computers/gadgets are where our kids get their information. Imagine if the light bulb was shunned in the classroom the way technology is pushed aside!

It Is Not OK!!

Illiteracy is never acceptable. It does not matter if it is reading and writing or technology. How can a teacher expect to help kids learn if they do not speak the same language? They will not! Educators must get on the same level with the students. There must be an ability to adapt to changing times. The times have changed, and computers are here to stay.

I find the idea of a teacher not liking computers or even taking the time to learn to use them rather absurd. The children in first grade this year will be making the decisions that will effect everyones life before we know it. How many times have you seen the phrase that reinforces the jobs these children will face have not yet been created? Really think about it, there is so much truth to this idea. Another concept-we have become familiar with is the use of computers in the world. These computers either do a job or make the job being done more efficient. If as educators we all believe in technology literacy, we will be able to get better equipment of those we teach. In many schools they computers are outdated or dusty. We must teach this, our lives may depend on it.

Movement of Media-

The rate that that media is moving at this very moment is astounding. Every time I see numbers like this, my thoughts go back to my first cell phone. Funny thing is it was about the size of the notebook computer I am using right now. It may have weighed even more! We were astounded to have numeric pagers at work. (I was a medic and this device became very important to get us places or find us) Then alpha-numeric pagers made the transfer of information from the office to the field a breeze. Now with a cell phone, you can text and get on the world wide web. The cardiac monitors we use were updated and now have computers inside of them to help do the job better. The trucks have notebooks mounted in the cab to make every aspect of the job stream line.

Getting back to the transfer of information going on at this very moment... There are many applications available that are free. The computers should not be dusty, we should be teaching kids with all that is available to them and us. I can see using a blog to help teach my class, even as a way to communicate with parents. I wish those who teach my children now would take advantage to these tool.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 16, 2010

Mr. Winkle may be Waiting Awhile!

This short video showed exactly how far behind our schools are in the United States of America. If there is one place we should exceed, it should be in technology. It is very unfortunate that the leaders in this country have allowed education to slip behind the curtain while other countries encourage children.

The advances in computers have helped mankind in simple and complex ways. These advances have made life longer, water safer, even cleaning your clothes easier! What has lacked with this new technology is the commitment to teach the children of today about their future. Our schools are forgetting to teach real world skills. Do not be Mr. Winkle and go along without advance!

Do I Really Want to Know?

I know we do not teach children the skills they need in the real world. Information Technologies may be one of the most important subjects that can be taught. If the jobs of the future are not yet created, we can have no idea how to help the children of today prepare for tomorrow. What we do know is computers will play a huge role in tomorrow's work force. This country will never get ahead if education is allowed to not be accountable.

Sitting back and allowing China and India dominate education will never get the U.S.A. respected. The numbers show that computers are here now more than ever before and will continue to mesh into our everyday lives. When I was in high school computers were things we read about, it actually seemed like science fiction. I am sitting here, this very day helping my sixth grade son make a movie about his dream job. Every child should have the chance to learn and that opportunity should include computers.

Is Creativity Dead?

The one thing that has been successful is our ability to kill creativity. This is not really so great for the kids of future generations. What I am finding to be the trend for education is perfection. Every answer has to be right, there is no arts outside of language, the students are expected to sit still all day because recess has been shortened and in most cases eliminated. We as a society are killing the imagination of tomorrows adults.

As educators, we must take the time to let our students grow. Mistakes do not equal failure, instead they provide an opportunity for learning something new. We all need to stand up to have crayons and scissors in the classroom, they have their place next to computers! If our next generation is not creative, the advances in the world will reflect this lack of individual thinking.

Kids are Digitally Smart!

Vicki Davis should inspire us all to set out and make a positive change for our students. She is teaching exactly what our children need to know! The way she educates the students appears to keep them motivated and focused. She breeds creativity in her classroom.

As I watched the video "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts", I felt left out. The schools my kids attend do not have this kind of technology available to them. Does this mean that they are being left behind in education? I am now motivated to do well in my EDM 310 class. I will gain an education that will give to tomorrows generation.