The next assignment for EDM310 was to watch a video by Randy Pausch. Not the first time I have had to watch this in college, but the first time I viewed it with educational implications. Wow, he covers a lot of information in just over a hour. This is worth the time.
What kind of legacy will we leave to those we come in contact with. Will you make an impact on the life of those you come in contact with. When you get to the end of your life will you regret the way you lived or will you know you did it all the way you wished you did, did you make your mark? Did you teach the children in a way that makes you proud?
Encourage those you are around to make their dreams to come true! No matter how silly they may seem. When you aim for the moon you may reach the stars! The journey for the dream may lead them to a different path, that will make them a very happy person.
Not every person gets to do the glory stuff! Every person has to be able to do the dog work! Without the basic, fundamental parts, the rest of the machine will not work. This goes for every thing, work, play, games, the endless list!
The idea of taking a large class and breaking them in groups , so they may work on projects. Whatever project they desire, and then presenting it to the class. Rotating the students so that they work with others, giving them the chance to work with all sorts of people, share ideas, learning team work, networking and sharing ideas and knowledge. This is the kind of learning that should be in our classrooms, the students would be excited to learn.
Sometimes it is not about what you do, but how you do it. It is not who you are, but how you present yourself. Not about where you have been,it is about reaching goals.