Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Random Thoughts

The assignment is any topic that stems from working in EDM310. Honestly, I can not come up with one topic. Many topics is more like it.

I would have to first thank Dr. Strange for his persistence. I look around the class and wonder how many will make it as teachers, if you can't come to class and follow directions as a student, how will you lead as a teacher? If your assignments are not done on time, what material will you teach? My kids are almost finished school, so most of you will never teach their generation. But, you will teach a generation that will be influential in my lifetime. Will you be proud of your work?

The next subject would be blogging. This has been the thing I have looked forward to the most in this class. I have seen comments that were negative or gave the idea that the writers were not happy about the assignments. Would you rather do math problems for hours? Really, how hard is it to watch or read something and write your opinion of it? Each of us wants to share and now we have our chance, use this wisely! Comment opportunities are also available, some assigned, others can be done just because it will make someone's day. It can be a great encouragement to a young student to get a comment on a blog post, you never know your comment may be the one that helps that student make the decision to go to college, a life changing outcome.( While on blogging~ People add pictures and links, these make your pages more friendly and colorful. It makes it appear you care about your work!)

Never be afraid to learn, always think outside the box. Technology is our friend! Bring what we are learning to the classroom. Always strive to grow, just because we graduate does not mean we have finished learning. Our personal learning network should always be at our fingertips, helping us learn. Never be intimidated by a computer, there is a reset button somewhere if you goof it up! Remember to manage your time wisely, that is one thing you can never get back( your youth is another).

I have made the decision not to follow through on a career in teaching. I do love children and will always be an advocate for education. The beginning of this month made twenty years that I have been a Paramedic. My heart will always belong to medicine. I will take what this class has taught me and bring it to the world, there is place for this information and many people need to know technology. If parents are introduced to this material they will encourage the schools to present it to their children. This will give you , the teachers of the future the tools you need.


  1. The educational community will be worse for the loss of your services. But you MUST follow your passion as Sir ken Robinson said in that assignment that students had to blog about.

    Thank you for this excellent statement! And the very best to you in your career. Stay in touch!

  2. That's too bad that you won't be going into the educational system. It's easy to tell that you'd make an excellent teacher but it's also wonderful that you're following your true calling! I definitely agree with you about blogging. At first I thought it would be a waste of time but it really has turned out to be a very useful tool. I also really like the idea of having students work on the internet so that people can offer them constructive criticism and encouragement.
